The Lion and Sun

20” x 40” Jacquard weaving on walnut frame with Farsi laser cut.

This is a collaborative project with Ilyra Carlton, a furniture design major at SCAD. The pattern on the fan is loosely inspired by the Iranian flag pre-Revolution The Lion and Sun, with a mix of traditional American tattoo styles.

Loomed Memory

10” x 84” woven with four-harnesses on a six-harness loom.

Using a multitude of weaving techniques, I created this tapestry to explore how far I could go with the structure and detail of a woven piece.

Mother Tongue

The top is machine knit using a handmade fair isle punchcard with mohair, wool, and cotton yarn, and the bottoms are crocheted with acrylic yarn.

Inspired by Iranian fashion pre-revolution and my mom’s journey to America, featuring a mirrored and distorted prayer she used to say to me in Farsi to capture the dysfunctional passage into the United States. Including the year she came to America '79.

Deconstructed Gaze

7” x 11” screen-printed portraits on hand-woven fabric using a Jack Loom.

Now unwoven, the threads express something beyond the original form. They speak to the inevitable cycles of creation and destruction that define both art and life. By unraveling what was once woven, I explore the beauty in the power of letting go and the freedom found in dismantling the very things we work so hard to construct.

Vissi D’arte Vissi D’amore

“I lived by art, I lived by love.” Machine knit top made with alpaca fiber.


Using Photoshop, I created a digital print and pattern collection.

Strands of Self

20” x 30” Screen-printed portraits on woven fabric using a Jack Loom.

This piece was an exhibitor in the SCAD Fine Arts Showcase 2024 and SCAD Fibers Open Studio 2025.

Knit Sample Collection

Varied sizes of machine knit samples experimenting with different knits, materials, and colorways.

Dye Sample Collection

Experimenting with fabrics (Raw silk, muslin, and wool yarn), dyes (Acid, Reactive, and Natural) I created samples exploring screen-printing techniques.